Interim personal travel measures Regarding Personal Travel by University Employees and Students to and from 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)-Affected Nations


While the University’s Policy 5401 and related guidelines provide general regulations for travel at University expense, and the interim university travel measures, effective March 1, 2020, outline additional regulations for travel at University expense to 2019 Novel Coronavirus-affected nations, there is a need for additional guidance regarding personal travel of employees and students to such nations in order to protect the safety of University students, staff, faculty, and Louisiana citizenry while continuing to fulfill the University’s mission.

Because the World Health Organization has declared the current 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak an international public health emergency, these interim personal travel measures are issued to provide detailed guidelines and regulations applicable to University employees or students who, for personal business, have traveled to, plan to travel to, or may come into contact with those who have traveled to nations on the Identified Nations Watch List.


Pursuant to Part II, Chapter III, Section IV of the Bylaws of the University of Louisiana Board of Supervisors, the President serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the University and is authorized to exercise complete executive authority therein, subject to the direction and control of the University of Louisiana System President and Board.


  • Personal Travel: Travel which is for personal purposes only and not for University-authorized purposes or paid for at University expense
  • Known Contact: Direct personal contact with any individual traveling from China who has either been in Hubei Province or other areas of the mainland and is showing symptoms associated with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
  • Commercial Transportation: A mode of transportation for public conveyance, including but not limited to airplane, bus, train, taxi, ship, or other public transport
  • Place of General Public Congregation: Places where people gather or interact in public, including but not limited to restaurants, grocery stores, gymnasiums, theaters, places of worship, and other similar public gathering places
  • Identified Nations Watch List: All nations for which a 2019 novel coronavirus-related travel warning is listed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found at with a Level 3, Level 2, or Level 1 Travel Health Notice.
  • Campus Head: For the purposes of these interim personal travel measures, “Campus Head” shall mean the President.


  1. At this time, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the maximum incubation period for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus is 14 days.
  2. Students who plan Personal Travel to or from nations on the Identified Nations Watch List during the effective dates of these interim personal travel measures are required to report details of such planned Personal Travel to their departmental sponsor, advisor, campus student health center, or person designated by the Campus Head, no less than seven days prior to the beginning of the trip.
  3. Students who encounter a Known Contact are required to report it immediately, by telephone or other method (not in person), to their departmental sponsor, advisor, campus student health center, or person designated by the Campus Head. This reporting assists the University and state health officials in taking measures to help prevent the spread of the virus.
  4. Students who complete such Personal Travel or who encounter a Known Contact are prohibited from returning to any and all University campuses, facilities, and activities during a 14-day period from the date of departure from the nation on the Identified Nations Watch List or from the date of the Known Contact. This precaution helps maintain the health and safety of the University community and helps maintain the health and safety of the University community.
  5. Any student failing to report either completed Personal Travel to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List or any Known Contact may be suspended or dismissed from the University, because public health and the safety of the University community is always to be a top priority.
  6. Any campus employee who is notified by a student of either planned or completed Personal Travel to or from nations on the Identified Nations Watch List or of a Known Contact shall immediately notify the Campus Head with the details of the Personal Travel or the information regarding the Known Contact.
  7. Within 48 hours of notification, the Campus Head or his/her designee shall, communicate directly with the student regarding the development of an academic plan permitting continued study at a remote location during a 14-day period, if necessary, as well as an approval process required for the student’s return to the campus to continue his/her academic pursuits.
  8. The Campus Head or his/her designee shall, within 24 hours of receiving such notification, report this information to the Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section (DHH-EPI) by phone at 800-256-2748.
  9. The University strongly advises, during this 14-day period, that the student (i) remain at home, (ii) avoid using Commercial Transportation and (iii) avoid Places of General Public Congregation.
  10. The University may coordinate with Residential Life and public health officials to determine appropriate living quarters for any student who has completed Personal Travel to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List or has encountered any Known Contact who resides in on-campus housing for the duration of the incubation period or while the student is ill.
  11. The University strongly advises the student, during this 14-day period, to monitor and record his/her body temperatures at least twice per day. If determined necessary and requested by DHH-EPI, the student shall consent to medical monitoring by public health officials for the student’s well-being and the safety of others.
  12. The University strongly advises the student to contact his/her physician or other health care provider by telephone or other method (not in person) for further medical care instructions if, during this 14-day period, he/she develops symptoms such as fever exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit, cough, and difficulty breathing. If the student does not have a health provider, the student may contact the campus student health center.
  13. If the student develops such symptoms during this 14-day period, he/she shall report such symptoms to his/her departmental sponsor, advisor, campus student health center, or person designated by the Campus Head, who immediately shall notify the Campus Head. The Campus Head immediately shall initiate any additional actions necessary to protect public health on that campus, and shall notify DHH-EPI by telephone, so that preventive measures can be taken to mitigate the spread of the virus.
  14. The University strongly encourages international students from China to remain in the United States during this current 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Faculty and staff should assist those students as appropriate and necessary if they choose to remain at the University between academic terms.


  1. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the maximum incubation period for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus is 14 days.
  2. University employees who plan Personal Travel to or from nations on the Identified Nations Watch List during the effective dates of this Directive are required to report details of such planned Personal Travel to their supervisor no less than seven days prior to the beginning of the trip.
  3. University employees who complete such Personal Travel are prohibited from returning to any and all University campuses, facilities, and activities, and from all physical contact with other University employees or students, during a fourteen (14) day period from the date of departure from the nation on the Identified Nations Watch List. The University employee may be required to use sick leave, annual leave, or leave without pay during this 14-day period following completed Personal Travel, depending upon particular circumstances and a return-to-work plan, as determined by the Campus Head. University employees will be required to present a release to return to work from their personal physician. The release must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources prior to their return to campus. If the employee does not have a personal physician, the campus student health center can assess the employee’s ability to return to work. The health and safety of the University community must always be a top priority.
  4. University employees who encounter a Known Contact are required to report it immediately to their supervisor by telephone (not in person).
  5. University employees who encounter a Known Contact shall be prohibited from returning to any and all University campuses, facilities, and activities, and from all physical contact with other University employees or students, during a 14-day period from the date of departure from the nation on the Identified Nations Watch List. The University employee may be required to use sick leave, annual leave, or leave without pay, based upon an individual risk assessment as determined by the President. University employees must present a release to return to work from their personal physician. The University employee must submit the release to the Office of Human Resources prior to their return to campus. If the employee does not have a personal physician, the campus student health center can assess the employee’s ability to return to work.
  6. A supervisor who is notified by a University employee of either planned Personal Travel to or from nations on the Identified Nations Watch List or of any Known Contact shall immediately notify the Campus Head with all appropriate details and contact information. This helps ensure the health and safety of the university community.
  7. Within 48 hours of notification, the Campus Head or his/her designee shall communicate directly with the University employee to advise him/her regarding his or her ability to return to work or development of a plan to conduct University business from a remote location during the 14-day period, if appropriate to that employee’s job duties.
  8. The Campus Head or his/her designee shall, within 24 hours of receiving such notification, report this information to the Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section (DHH-EPI) by phone at 800-256-2748.
  9. The University strongly advises, during this 14-day period, that the University employee (i) remain at home, (ii) avoid using Commercial Transportation and (iii) avoid Places of General Public Congregation to help ensure the safety of the university community.
  10. The University strongly advises the University employee, during this 14-day period, to monitor and record his/her body temperature at least twice per day. If determined necessary and requested by DHH-EPI, the University employee shall consent to medical monitoring by public health officials for the employee’s well-being and the safety of others.
  11. The University strongly advises the University employee to contact his/her physician or other health care provider by telephone or other method (not in person) for further medical care instructions if, during this 14-day period, he/she develops symptoms such as fever exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit, cough, and difficulty breathing.
  12. If the University employee develops such symptoms during this 14-day period, he/she shall report such symptoms to his/her supervisor, who immediately shall notify the Campus Head. The Campus Head immediately shall initiate any additional actions necessary to protect public health on that campus, and shall notify DHH-EPI by telephone.
  13. Any University employees failing to report to his/her supervisor either Personal Travel to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List or any Known Contact may be subject to disciplinary personnel action, as determined by the Campus Head. Public health and safety must always remain a top priority.
  14. In the interest of public health and public safety, the appropriate supervisor also may set conditions of contact between the University employee and other University employees. Those other University employees may also be subject to disciplinary personnel action if such conditions of contact are violated, as determined by the Campus Head.


  1. A single person or office shall be designated to maintain all pertinent records, travel information, contact information, and other necessary information related to any Personal Travel or Known Contact reported by either students or employees at the University.
  2. The University will continue to monitor and may prepare an appropriate campus decontamination procedure if determined to be appropriate.
  3. The University may develop a plan to address any potential adverse financial impacts on students which may arise as a result of these interim personal travel measures. Appropriate consideration may be given to tuition refunds, credits, or other actions if a student’s academic pursuits are significantly curtailed or suspended as a result of compliance.
  4. These interim personal travel measures shall immediately be distributed electronically to all students and employees, and through any other means they deem appropriate.
  5. The appropriate supervisor shall ensure that a copy of these interim personal travel measures are transmitted to any University employee or student who reports planned Personal Travel to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List or reports a Known Contact.
  6. A single person in the Office of Academic Affairs shall be designated to communicate directly with the student regarding the development of an academic plan permitting continued study at a remote location during a 14-day period, as well as an approval process required for the student’s return to campus to continue his/her academic pursuits.