Interim Measures Regarding Travel at University Expense to and from 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) – Affected Nations


University Policy 5401 and related guidelines provide general regulations for travel at University expense. Because the World Health Organization has declared the current 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak an international public health emergency, these interim University travel measures will provide detailed regulations for travel at University expense by any employees or student employees who plan to travel to areas affected by the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak.


      • Traveler: Any University Officer, University Employee, student employee, or other University-authorized person, when performing University-authorized travel at University expense
      • Commercial Transportation: A mode of transportation for public conveyance, including but not limited to airplane, bus, train, taxi, ship, or other public transport
      • Place of General Public Congregation: Places where people gather or interact in public, including but not limited to restaurants, grocery stores, gymnasiums, theaters, places of worship, and other similar places.
      • Identified Nations Watch List: All nations for which a 2019 novel coronavirus-related travel warning is listed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found at with a Level 3, Level 2, or Level 1 Travel Health Notice.


      1. University Policy 5401 requires University travel outside of the continental United States to be approved by the President prior to departure. In addition to these regulations, and in light of the current 2019 novel coronavirus-related public health emergency, these interim university travel measures additionally require that department heads shall prohibit Travelers from visiting nations on the Identified Nations Watch List, for the duration of these interim university travel measures, unless otherwise approved in advance as provided herein.
      2. Written approval of exceptions to the travel prohibition in Section 1 above may be granted by the President, upon written request, if the Traveler’s professional expertise or responsibilities include disease transmission mitigation, disease control, national security, public health security, vaccine development, or any other activity for which the Traveler has critical expertise related to 2019 novel coronavirus or its variants, or if there exists an irrevocable contractual requirement binding the University to certain obligations.
      3. The appropriate department head shall provide a copy of these interim University travel measures to any Traveler who is approved, pursuant to the procedure herein, for travel at University expense to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List, and the Traveler shall be required to acknowledge receipt thereof in writing, prior to departure.
      4. The department head shall instruct the Traveler, at the time of approval of the travel at University expense to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List, to take all reasonable and accepted precautions to guard against contracting 2019 novel coronavirus during the approved travel.
      5. The department head shall report to the President all appropriate details of any such travel exceptions granted, including the name of the Traveler and the complete itinerary for approved travel at University expense to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List, within 24 hours of granting written approval of the travel.
      6. The department head shall report to the Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section (DHH-EPI), by email at, the name of the Traveler and the complete itinerary for approved travel at University expense to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List, within 24 hours of granting written approval of the travel.


      1. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the maximum incubation period for the 2019 novel coronavirus is 14 days.
      2. When the Traveler returns from the approved travel to a nation on the Identified Nations Watch List, the Traveler shall remain away from any and all University campuses, facilities, activities, and personnel for a 14-day period, starting with the day of departure from the nation.
      3. The supervisor of the Traveler shall provide a plan for the Traveler to work remotely from home during this 14- day period. This plan shall be provided in writing to the Traveler prior to departure, and a copy shall be sent by the supervisor to the department head and Office of Human Resources.
      4. The Traveler shall, during this 14- day period, maintain regular email or telephone communication with his/her supervisor.
      5. The University strongly advises, during this 14- day period, that the Traveler (i) remain at home, (ii) avoid using Commercial Transportation and (iii) avoid Places of General Public Congregation.
      6. The University strongly advises the Traveler, during this 14- day period, to monitor and record his/her body temperature at least twice per day. If determined necessary and requested by DHHEPI, the Traveler shall consent to medical monitoring by public health officials.
      7. The University strongly advises the Traveler to contact his/her physician or other health care provider by telephone, email, text, or other method (not in person) for further medical care instructions if, during this 14- day period, he/she develops symptoms such as fever exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit, cough and difficulty breathing.
      8. If the Traveler develops such symptoms during this 14- day period, he/she shall report such symptoms to his/her supervisor, who immediately shall notify the President. The President or his/her designee immediately shall initiate any additional actions necessary to protect public health at the University, and shall notify DHH-EPI by telephone at 800-256-2748.